I Am SUCH a Mooch Now.

Book mooch, that is. I saw a post about this on Allison's cooleo blog a second ago, and I wanted to tell you guys about it :)

BookMooch is this fabulous little group you can join in which you give books to get books. The steps:

1) Join, of course.
2) Create a list of books you'd like to give away.
3) Create a wishlist of books you want.
4) Mail in your books for points.
5) Ask for books from others with your points.

BookMooch operates on a point system, as mentioned up there...kMooch

Add a book to your inventory- +1/10 of a point
Give away a book (in your own country)- +1 point
Give away a book (internationally)- +3 points
Mooch a book (in your own country)- -1 point
Mooch a book (internationally)- -2 points
Acknowledge recieving a book you mooched- +1/10 of a point That's the link to the information about Book Mooch.

Here is the link to Book Mooch.


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Visitors Since June 28th 2009