In My Mailbox: September 6

Thanks to The Story Siren for this cool little meme!



Along for the Ride, by Sarah Dessen. YAY!!!! I FINALLY GOT IT! I was about to buy it, I was so desperate. But then the library called, and I squealed a little. I'm not a person who usually squeals with joy :)

Animal Farm, by George Orwell. I've been wanting to read this for a while, and for the first time ever I checked something out from the school library- this. And ma I say that they actually have a decent selection of books? It's truly amazing, for being just another middle school in Kentucky.

Sleeping Freshman Never Lie, by David Lubar. Also from the school library. I don't know if I'll finish it, I read the first few pages and wasn't exactly enthralled... but maybe it'll pick up?


Cathy's Book (I don't see the author's name on it!) I read about this trilogy on a blog somewhere... don't remember which one. I bought it on a random whim and have no idea what it's about- can anyone tell me?

How to Steal A Car, by Pete Hautman. Yay! It was between this, and "The Blonde of the Joke", and also "Imaginary Enemy" was a contender. I can't wait to read it, it sounds really cool and I love the cover, a gorgeous blue with a squad of police cars chasing a red car. Better than it sounds :P

Overall, it was a pretty good week (bookwise, at least!). So what'd everyone else get?

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